Lightbox (Center Channel)

single-channel HD video, 3m 15s, 2021


Sprites on a Blinkboat

single-channel HD video, 1m 27s, 2020


Gainstay (Excerpt)

single-channel HD video with sound, 2m 33s, 2018

A couple performs the same scripted argument ten times, each argument repeated back to them through a looping pedal. The emotional load accumulates, swells, and distorts, the actors locked in the same script performing increasingly as “themselves”. The inscrutable raging din leaves no room to criticize the established structures that perpetuate repeated representations. The present is inflected by history but is not changed by it.



single-channel HD video with sound, 1m 3s, 2018


Eye Piece 4.3

single-channel HD video with sound, 10:40, 2017

Hegel’s description of the aim of art, to feel the whole range of what man’s soul in its inmost and secret corners has power to experience and create, suggests an imperative to push boundaries and examine the limits that delineate categories. Two individually projected eyes, filmed at high speed and drastically but not equivalently slowed down, cycle through a range of emotional states. As the actor’s eyes slip out of phase and coherence, they grace a range of emotional states that slip away from categorical distinction, but are reified via the perceptual interpretation of the viewer, betraying the limitations of language. This series appears in a few variations, with and without sound or the presence of a blindfolded musician providing adding emotional tension through an improvised performance.